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Tesla Quietly Scrubs “Beta” From FSD V12.3.3 As Wider Release

Tesla Quietly Scrubs "Beta" From FSD V12.3.3 As Wider Release

Tesla is discreetly distancing itself from the “beta” label when it comes to its marquee FSD V12.3.3 software. As the company kicks off an unprecedented free trial for over 1.7 million owners across North America, screenshots show the automaker pulling some key disclaimers.

Bye Bye “Beta” – Tesla Rebrands FSD

Among the changes in the latest FSD v12.3.3 update: that word “beta” is nowhere to be found when describing the autonomous driving capabilities, Tesla has rebranded it simply as “FSD (Supervised)”.

But that’s not all that’s missing, also struck from the record are warnings that FSD “will not make your car autonomous” and requirements to “always keep your hands on the wheel.” In their place? The reassuring claim that “With your supervision, FSD can almost drive your Tesla to any destination.”

So is Tesla quietly walking back its long-standing stance that Full Self-Driving, after years of scrutiny and skepticism around the “beta” label, it certainly seems Tesla is inching closer to positioning its premium software as a truly autonomous solution.

Of course, scrubbing a few terms from an over-the-air update is one thing. Ensuring FSD is genuinely ready for prime time across Tesla’s massive fleet is another challenge entirely. Tesla on the wording changes and free one-month FSD trial.

One thing’s for sure – with these subtle tweaks to set customer expectations, all eyes will be on FSD’s real-world performance as it rolls out much more widely in the coming weeks.