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Home ยป Tesla Begins Employee Rollout FSD V12 – Is the “Quantum Leap” AI Ready for Primetime?

Tesla Begins Employee Rollout FSD V12 – Is the “Quantum Leap” AI Ready for Primetime?

Tesla FSD

According to inside sources, Tesla has softly begun distributing its much-anticipated FSD V12 to employees as OTA update 2023.38.10, initial limited deployment marks the dawn of Tesla’s next era in automated driving capability.

Elon Musk has responded the news tweet and says: “Yes” and “Humans are basically a big data stream of photons in that produce a tiny data stream of motor commands out.”

Dubbed an “AI Day” release by CEO Elon Musk due to its overhaul into a camera-based “end-to-end” neural network system, FSD V12 aims beyond enhancing functionality – its radical rearchitecture seeks to enable intuitive driving intelligence.

Considered a potential breakthrough “Baby AGI” (Artificial General Intelligence) approach, this FSD rewrite throws out the traditional “rules-based” self-driving codebook by directly translating camera and sensor input into driving maneuvers at the software level, biomimicry philosophy simplifies the code while making outcomes adaptable in varied situations.

Tesla FSD

Musk demonstrated a markedly advanced build of FSD V12 just months ago with a remarkably smooth test drive through complex urban obstacles, early capability cemented hopes the production software could finally achieve the lasting technical leap that removes lingering Beta labeling.

However, introducing such profoundly reinvented self-driving logic necessitates measured deployment even to internal testers first. Given FSD’s checkered history missing timelines, Tesla appropriately exercises caution with this release despite its transformational promises.

As owners eagerly await access to assess changes themselves, Tesla collects critical statistical feedback on Version 12’s real-world performance from company insiders initially. Their objective data will determine if and when this coveted upgrade merits reaching a wider Early Access base.

With Elon Musk doubling down on AI across initiatives like humanoid robots, Tesla’s AutoPilot innovation remains the pioneering test bed for vetting ambitious neural network applications. V12 overhaul pushes boundaries on scalable autonomy, balancing advancement pace and practical dependability hinders straightforward paths.

If gradualist exposure continues confirming FSD V12’s stepping stone stability, Musk’s tweeted vision for drivers merely “monitoring” self-driving cars could manifest sooner than anticipated. Of course, predicting Tesla’s pace matching its confidence proves notoriously slippery.