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Home » The Long Warranties on EV Truck Batteries, Just 12% Capacity Degradation on Average for Older Tesla Model S/X after 200k miles

The Long Warranties on EV Truck Batteries, Just 12% Capacity Degradation on Average for Older Tesla Model S/X after 200k miles

Tesla Cybertruck

If you’re considering an electric pickup like the Ford F-150 Lightning, Rivian R1T or Cybertruck, you’ll want to know about a huge perk that often gets overlooked – the battery warranties on these EVs are stupidly long.

JerryRigEverything: Ford Lightning’s battery pack is covered for 8 years or 100,000 miles, Rivian R1T’s battery warranty ludicrous 8 years or 175,000 miles! Cybertruck ship with an 8 year, 150,000 mile battery warranty.

These lengthy warranties help dispel the lingering myths around EV battery longevity and range degradation over time. Automakers are putting their money where the batteries are.

“Can’t believe people still think batteries don’t last,” Martin Viecha, Head of Investor Relations at Tesla noted, “citing just 12% capacity degradation on average for older Model S/X vehicles after 200k miles.”

Anecdotal reports from Model X owners seem to back up the battery life claims too. “My 2017 Model X shows 11.3% degradation after 7 years and 130,000 km,” one owner shared. “Feels like degradation is slowing too as range has been steady for awhile now.”

With these beefy battery warranties reducing range anxiety, opting for an electric truck becomes a lot more appealing – especially if you’re putting tons of miles on it for work or road trips.