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Home » Comcast Cosmic Connection: SpaceX Starlink Deal Blasts Business Broadband into Orbit

Comcast Cosmic Connection: SpaceX Starlink Deal Blasts Business Broadband into Orbit


Comcast has inked a deal that’s quite literally out of this world. The cable behemoth is teaming up with SpaceX’s Starlink to bring satellite-based internet to its business customers in areas where traditional networks fear to tread.

This isn’t just any old partnership – it’s a first-of-its-kind deal between a network operator and a satellite network, aimed squarely at enterprise customers. With Comcast boasting a whopping 2.5 million business broadband customers in the U.S.

Starlink, is already making waves in the satellite internet game. This deal with Comcast? It’s just another feather in their space-age cap.

There’s more! Starlink’s not just cozying up to Comcast. They’ve also got T-Mobile in their orbit, (FCC greenlights spaceX starlink tests with mobile phones, ground using airwaves in partnership with T-Mobile), promising to keep their customers connected even when cell towers are out of sight.

SpaceX will soon commercialize its Starlink satellite laser links by offering them to other satellite providers. On January 8th, successfully sent and received its first text messages using T-Mobile’s network spectrum through new Starlink satellites with Direct to Cell capabilities.


So, why should we care about this celestial partnership? Well, for starters, it’s bridging the digital divide for businesses in the boonies. No more excuses about poor internet when you’re working from that cabin in the woods!

More importantly, it’s a sign of things to come. As traditional telcos look to the skies for solutions, we might be witnessing the dawn of a new era in connectivity. Could satellite internet be the final frontier for bridging the digital divide?

As for Comcast and Starlink, with this cosmic collaboration, they’re not just thinking outside the box – they’re thinking outside the atmosphere. And in the cutthroat world of telecom, that kind of innovation might just be the star of the show.

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