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Home ยป SpaceX Bids Farewell to Legendary Falcon 9 Rocket, Completed a Momentous 19 Launches and Landings

SpaceX Bids Farewell to Legendary Falcon 9 Rocket, Completed a Momentous 19 Launches and Landings

SpaceX Falcon 9

SpaceX is mourning the loss of a storied veteran Falcon 9 rocket booster after it tipped over at sea following its final mission. But the pioneering spacecraft’s legacy helping transform spaceflight will live on.

Dubbed the fleet’s “life leader,” the augmented booster completed a momentous 19 launches and landings before meeting its unfortunate end. This workhorse rocket debuted in 2020 as part of SpaceX’s revolutionary rocket reusability program.

Most prominently, it executed the first ever crewed flight of a SpaceX Dragon capsule, delivering astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley safely to the International Space Station. The iconic red “NASA” logo emblazoned on its exterior memorializes that pivotal achievement.

In just over three and a half years of service, this particular Falcon 9 completed more missions than any of its stablemates. It lofted into orbit a staggering 860 satellites and over 260 metric tons of cargo.

SpaceX intended to retire the booster after its 19th mission in late December 2023. But rough seas tipped the rocket over on the recovery droneship before crews could secure it. High winds and waves simply proved too much for the booster after so many fiery round trips.

While the loss is unfortunate, SpaceX notes newer Falcon 9 models boast upgraded landing legs with self-leveling capabilities to prevent such mishaps. So lessons learned from this trailblazing rocket’s tenure will aid future missions.

This booster’s epic tenure illustrates the immense potential of rocket reusability to lower launch costs and accelerate space access. Spaceflight is now propelled higher on the shoulders of resilient workhorses like this Falcon 9 veteran.

Though its operating days are done, the rocket’s pioneering role won’t be forgotten. It proved the doubters wrong and paved the way for new innovations that will shape our spacefaring future.