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Tesla Opens Vehicle and Energy APIs to Third Party Developers


Exciting news for Tesla fans and software developers – Tesla is opening up its application programming interfaces (APIs) to enable third party apps and services. Recently, a Tesla executive confirmed that Fleet API now includes capabilities for Tesla Energy products alongside vehicles.

Tesla has released a new Developer API, providing approved third parties access to integrate with Tesla vehicle systems and data. By providing open access to its API ecosystem, Tesla aims to spur innovation from outside developers. Partners can leverage the APIs to build integrations and new experiences focused on Tesla’s products.

For example, a third party company could develop an app that monitors a Tesla Powerwall system’s energy usage and solar power generation. Or create customized controls for Tesla car features like HVAC, door locks, summon, and more.

To access the Fleet and Energy APIs, developers must first register accounts at Tesla’s developer portal. This involves steps like generating authentication tokens and authorization permissions.

Once granted API access, developers can tap into the full range of Tesla vehicles and energy devices. Custom mobile or web apps can then be built on top of the API capabilities.

Opening the APIs reflects Tesla’s open, innovation-focused culture. While Tesla already develops industry-leading experiences in-house, inviting third parties expands possibilities.

Customer-approved apps that build on the Fleet and Energy APIs may offer unique value that Tesla alone cannot match. This experimentation benefits the entire Tesla ownership ecosystem.

Kudos to Tesla for embracing open APIs and unintended uses from outsiders. The move recognizes that enabling external creativity ultimately improves the customer experience.

We likely have only seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of clever integrations developers will now build on top of the Tesla platform. This will further fuel the energy and transportation revolution.